This is where the human touch has its greatest impact! FAMA Connecting organizes the information gathered from the Assessment teams and then strategically links Christian volunteers and professionals to the felt needs of neighbors.  The results are amazing!

The impact of these connections has been invaluable!  Everyone involved becomes more developed as individuals.  From fixing plumbing to repairing a wheelchair ramp for a physically challenged elder, connections offers the privilege and joy of serving, mentoring and receiving.

Interested In Getting Involved?

Thank you for your interest! Serving as a volunteer in FAMA Connecting means you will enhance your community awareness, develop your social/ professional skill sets, and serve as a key agent to bridge divides in our neighborhoods. Together we will help grow stronger communities one neighborhood at a time.

I want to be involved-

Click here to create your FAMA volunteer profile.

Click here to tell us more about who you are and what you do. (Survey)

Click here to learn more about becoming a volunteer coordinator.

Click here to learn of giving opportunities.

Thank you for your interest! When you come alongside FAMA, consider yourself part of a growing network of businesses and individuals who desire to strengthen low-income communities through their business gifts and talents.

Click here to prepare your staff for volunteering. VIDEO

Click here to learn more about giving opportunities- VIDEO

Click here to schedule a meeting with a FAMA representative.

Click here to see FAMA Care Connections Testimonials

Thank you for your interest! When you come alongside FAMA, consider yourself part of a growing care network of businesses and individuals who desire to strengthen low- income communities through their gifts and talents.

Click here to prepare your staff for volunteering. VIDEO

Click here to learn more about giving opportunities- VIDEO

Click here to schedule a meeting with a FAMA representative.

Click here to see FAMA Care Connections Testimonials

Have additional questions? Contact us

Grant Park 10